Monday, November 14, 2011

Logging On: The Virtual Workforce

In Medias Res was asked "What workforce trends is the industry experiencing?"

Now, we've been talking about the growth in online and social media weekly. But I guess, there's nothing really wrong with emphasizing our point, yet again.

The media industry does more than hiring actors and actresses. Whereas making it big in the 1980's meant moving to New York City or Hollywood, today- all you need to do to get out there is stay creative and online.

Mark Zuckerberg can tell you that, too. The Facebook team has to put a lot of work into their online community.

It's not just social media companies that need to focus. Virtually all parts of the media industry need a media workforce- a focus on their online community.

Today, companies in the media industry focus on their online communities- consuming and sharing the work that theses companies make available online (whether it's Hulu or YouTube videos or articles from the Huffington Post). And this community needs to be moderated and kept up with- it isn't enough that major newspapers and networks get online. They need to have a lot of effort focused on online traffic, the feedback issued by users, keeping the site clean and spam-free (hopefully), and coming up with new ideas and new discussions. In doing that, customer loyalty is being fostered- or at the very least, the online audience will grace the companies with a "bookmark" by saving their page on their computer.

The online newspaper is a different product than what we get delivered to our doorstep periodically. A level of interaction is brought in- just check out Newsmap, a site that gives readers access to top stories based on how much attention is given to the headlines in each country. The online reformation has created different jobs and has made media giants

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