Sunday, November 13, 2011

And the Award for the Fourth-Most Admired Company in the Media Industry Goes to Google!

Google is a company that has been admired in the past few years for the company’s organizational structure. According to Fortune Magazine, a well known business magazine, “Google is the fourth-most admired company in the United States.” Google has been featured multiple times as well on the top-companies-to-work-for list. The main reason Google is such a widely admired company is because the management lets the employees run the company as much as possible. Google has a cross-functional organization that allows excellent leadership as well as employee satisfaction. Cross-functional organization is described as a group with different functional expertise working toward a common goal. For Google that common goal is to be the best search engine on the Internet. Google is also a well admired and structured company because the management team doesn’t set the goals for the company, the employees do. Employees set objectives which are approved by the management. Management periodically checks up on the progress of the goals, but it is all done by the employees. Google employees spend “70% of their time on current assignments, 20% on related projects of their choosing, and 10% on new projects in any area they desire.” The structure of their time management is called the 70-20-10 rule. Google uses this rule to make sure that the employees take risks. Without these risks the company wouldn’t be as successful as it is now. Also without risks Google wouldn’t have ventured into the multiple industries it has. I admire Google’s policy where the employees are the main figures of the company, with management overseeing their works. I feel that is the most effective way to structure a company.


  1. Google seems like it would be an awesome company to work for. I remember reading in our class textbook where it said that Google employees receive some of the coolest incentives such as gourmet chefs, free haircuts, and game rooms in the offices. They even have their own laundry facilities. This seems like a great way to attract young workers who are coming straight out of college .

  2. I agree with Nayef! And it's not just the "fun" aspects of the job and the incentives. The fact is that Google has created an environment that encourages creativity and shows employees they are valued for their ideas and contributions- that, alone, seems like a good incentive to me!
    But before we keep on singing praises for Google, let's wait and see if the Google Chrome Music catches on. I've been on the site and I personally find it a little difficult to navigate. I can't find the right edition of the songs I'm looking for.
